Thursday 24 March 2011

Magazine Advert Draft

The draft for my magazine advert looks almost complete but some areas appear quite un-proffessional such as the positioning of the quotes and top right images. The text of the quotes needs to be slightly bigger as this is an important feature in magazine adverts so audiences will be more drawn in. Including the logo of the shop the single can be purchased at is necessary information so I will add this in. Overall I think there is enough information featured and considering the way I wanted to keep the audience focused on the main topic of the advert which is the name of the single and the band. In my final draft I will highlight these features more.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Digipak Draft

Although I am quite happy with the digipak so far I am aware of a few adjustments which I must add.

1. The cover has a lot of white space making it seem unprofessional and not as eye catching as a punk album should be. The song title is not as clear as it should be so I will darken this in my second draft.

2. Not having the track numbers on the backs list was my own personal choice but this is quite unprofessional so therefore I will add the track numbers in. The back cover has an image that relates to the song but overall does not look as exciting as I aimed so I will try to enhance the school punk look by adding other images such as scribbles.

3. The notebook image needs more lyrics or images to make it more eye catching so my audience will enjoy the look of the whole digipak.

Editing My Images on Photoshop

Here, I am editing the colour on the image making it black and white to portray the dull prison atmosphere aswell as applying two coventional colours of the punk genre.

Digipak Images

These are images taken after shooting the band performance which i may use for my digipak and magazine advert.

These are photos I took of the main artist in uniform for an alternative idea.